2024/12/14Added photos to Album"Kyushu Univ. Chemical Festa".
2024/10/27Added photos to Album"Softball competition".
2024/09/25Added photos to Album"Fall Degree Conferment Ceremony".
2024/09/18Added photos to Album"Lab Trip".
2024/09/05Added photos to Album"Wrap-up party for graduate school examination".
2024/05/16Added photos to Album "New members added".
2024/05/02Our article of Chemical Science was selected in 2022 most popular analytical chemistry articles collection of Chemical Science.
2024/05/02Our article of Chemical Science was selected in 2023 most popular chemical biology articles collection of Chemical Science.
2024/05/01Kamikawa's article was published in Chemical Science.
2024/03/01Added photos to Album "Farewell party for graduates".
2024/01/05Our lab's article was published in Chemical Science.
2023/09/24Added photos to Album "Lab Trip to Korea".
2023/09/16Added photos to Album "Softball Competetion".
2023/08/01We contributed an article to the Journal of the Society of Polymer Science, Japan.
2023/05/02Added photos to Album "Lunch party with Ms.Jhana".
2023/04/25Assistant professor Adachi won the award at the CSJ annual meeting.
2023/04/20Added photos to Album "meeting with Asano Group, Uraguchi Laboratory, Hokkaido University(04/20)".
2023/04/11Added photos to Album "New members added!".
2023/04/03Dr. Adachi has joined as an assistant professor.
2022/03/20Added photos to Album "Graduation ceremony".
2022/03/07Added photos to Album "Dinner party with Ms. Hashimoto".
2023/03/02Two B4 students gave presentations at the achievement report meeting.
2023/03/02Added photos to Album "meeting with Asano Group, Uraguchi Laboratory, Hokkaido University(02/04)".
2022/12/12Added photos to Album "Lunch party (12/07) and Dinner party with Mr. Fukuda (12/09)".
2022/11/16Added photos to Album "Softball Competition (10/08)".
2022/11/1Our homepage has been released.
2022/11/1We are looking for graduate students and postdocs!
2022/6/1Mr.Kamikawa (D2) was assigned as a research student from Osaka University.
2022/4/11Two B4 students were assigned.
2022/4/1Laboratory of Dynamic Chemical Life Science was established.