Assist. Prof. Miyata, Mr. Koninti (postdoc), Ms. Miyazaki (D1), Mr. Ryu (M2), Mr. Sugioka, and Mr. Ehara (M1) gave presentations at Annual Meeting on Photochemistry 2021.

Assist. Prof. Miyata, Mr. Koninti (postdoc), Ms. Miyazaki (D1), Mr. Ryu (M2), Mr. Sugioka, and Mr. Ehara (M1) gave presentations at Annual Meeting on Photochemistry 2021.
Six members of our lab gave presentations at Annual Meeting on Photochemistry 2021.
Assist. Prof. Miyata gave a presentation entitled “Detection of Higher-lying Excited States in Luminescent Materials using Multi-Pulse Transient Spectroscopy”.
Mr. Raj (postdoc) gave a presentation entitled “Luminescent photochromism of electron donor-acceptor chromophore in mesoporous silica nanochannels”.
Ms. Miyazaki (D1) gave a presentation entitled “Elucidation of the emission mechanism in Eu(III) complexes doped host-guest films using time-resolved spectroscopy”.
Mr. Ryu (M2) gave a presentation entitled “Isomerization dynamics of the excited-states intramolecular proton transfer molecule with luminescent property”
Mr. Sugioka (M2) gave a presentation entitled “Elucidation of up-conversion mechanism of lanthanide-based core-shell nanoparticles using time-resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy”
Mr. Ehara (M1) gave a presentation entitled “Structural dynamics in the excited state of vapochromic Pt(Ⅱ) complexes using time-resolved infrared spectroscopy”.

Laboratory of Spectrochemistry, Kyushu University
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